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Student Aid

Federal Aid Processes

The primary communication with students is through UM email and Banner Self Service. Students are strongly encouraged to check UM email and Banner Self Service weekly to monitor requests for additional documentation, notice of aid offers and other vital information. Students accept/decline aid offers through Banner Self Service. New students are provided access information to UM when admitted.

After filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), students may need to submit additional information to complete the process. Notifications will be sent through UM email explaining the need for additional documentation. Please respond immediately, or aid will be delayed.

What you’ll need to complete the 2025-26 FAFSA form:

A account

Your SSN

Your 2023 tax records

Records of your assets, including any child support received; current balances of your accounts; and net worth of investments, businesses and farms

Your contributor(s)’s information, including their name, date of birth, SSN, and email address



FAFSA Unusual Circumstances

Student dependency status is determined by information provided on the FAFSA and required by the US Department of Education. A student may submit an appeal petitioning to override their dependency status and be considered an independent student, based on unusual circumstances. Unusual circumstances, singly or in combination, that do not qualify as unusual circumstances:

  • Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education.
  • Parents are unwilling to provide information on the application or for verification.
  • Parents do not claim the student as dependent for income tax purposes.
  • Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency.

Unusual circumstances such as an abusive/unstable family environment or abandonment by parents may cause any of the above conditions. If you do have a documentable unusual circumstance, you may petition to be considered independent, waiving federal regulations requiring parental information. Any student who has obtained an adjustment for unusual circumstances and a final determination of independence shall presume to be independent for each subsequent award year at the same institution unless the student informs the institution that their circumstances have changed, or the institution has conflicting information about the student’s independence.

Students may contact the Student Aid Office to obtain the Petition to Apply for Financial Aid as an Independent Applicant form for Unusual Circumstances review. Please read and complete the form carefully, and provide all required documentation noted on the form.

Please contact Student Aid for more information and assistance.

FAFSA Re-evaluation for Special Circumstances

Students are required to complete their FAFSA, using two years’ prior income. Although, this should be a “snapshot” of your current financial situation, it may not be an accurate depiction due to exceptional circumstances. If the FAFSA does not adequately reflect your current situation, or your financial circumstances have changed since you submitted the FAFSA, you may request a FAFSA Special Circumstance Re-evaluation. The Student Aid Office will review each case individually with appropriate documentation.

Examples of exceptional circumstances may include: change in employment status, income, or assets of student/parent/spouse; death of parent/spouse; excessive/uncovered medical, dental, or nursing home expense; severe disability of student/other household member; or unusually high child/dependent care or tuition expense.

Students may contact the Student Aid Office to obtain the FAFSA Special Circumstance Re-evaluation form. Please read the form carefully, choose the circumstance that best fits your situation, and provide all required documentation noted on the form.

Please contact Student Aid for more information and assistance.